It’s now the dreaded time of the year whereby teachers are tasked with the not so fan activity of writing report cards. Relax now because,…
EP52: Effective Ways of Using iPads in Your Classroom
In today’s classroom, leveraging technology at the point of instructions is not an option but a necessity for us teachers. It’s therefore crucial for us…
EP51: How I use Google Form in My Classroom
Twenty-first Century calls for us teachers to implement teaching strategies that will incorporate the use of technology. To achieve this, Google Form comes in handy…
EP50: Flipped Classroom Approach for Elementary Instruction
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Flipped classroom strategy could be a perfect step towards the journey of Inquiry-Based Teaching. I have been…
EP49: Tech Hardware in My Classroom
I’m a big fan of technology, and in my classroom, I use tech to aid my Inquiry-based teaching. Tech also helps me to run my…
EP48: 6 Tips for Teaching a Split Grade
You don’t need to worry just because you have been assigned a combined grade come September. With the right strategies in place, I can assure…
EP47: 5 Amazing Project Ideas – I’ve Executed in My Classroom
Researching and eventually deciding on the best projects to adopt in your classroom sometimes can be a doubtful process for us teachers. I’m going to…
EP46: 5 Limiting Beliefs Holding You From Becoming a Great Teacher
Every professional out there strives to perform exceptionally in their work, and as teachers, we are not exempted from this urge. In this episode, I…
My Inquiry Based Teaching Experience
After two months back in the classroom, we have finally completed our first inquiry together. Did everything go smoothly….nope! I am going over what I…
My Imperfections as a Teacher
Are you perfect? I’m not!! On the live show, I am sharing my imperfections. I may not be perfect and that is okay. Join me…